I’m back in the United States after 24 years of living in Asia and Europe, and already, there’s been no shortage of political drama. When I left, 9/11 had not happened, there was no Iraq War 2, no Afghanistan War, no Hurricaine Katrina, no First Black President, no Trump. Back in those days, when an election day was over, everyone put away their signs immediately (my son Marco couldn’t believe that there was once a time before he was born that politics rarely came up and people didn’t wave political flags and get in fights everyday all year around,and talk about their politics all the time). I remember those days. It was nice. According to a recent poll (May), 47% percent believe the USA is headed for a Civil War (even on that topic we are divided down the middle).

But is that a real possibility and what would that Civil War even look like?Believe it or not, how civil wars start is something academics study. Some of the factors that determine whether a country is close to civil war are the following: 1) How strong and secure are the country’s democratic institutions? Switzerland’s democracy is extremely stable, Venezuela’s is not. Are the institutions considered trustworthy? 2) Has there been an extended period of extreme division? The longer it continues to bubble, the more likely it is that a country splits. 3) Is there a rise in autocracy and centralization of power? Autocracies create an “only one party can exist” mentality that ends Democracy. 4) Is there armed conflict in the bordering countries creating a nation surrounded by civil conflicts? (FYI-Mexico is in a “civil war” but against cartels) 5) Are infant mortality rates high? 6) Is one particular minority group being singled out for persecution? 7) Is the particular country strongly affected by social media? 8) Is there a significant wealth gap between the rich and the poor? These are just some examples, but you only need half of these to be at a high risk of a civil war, according to some scholars. The USA is far enough down this road that avoiding it will be like the proverbial last minute turn of the wheel before the car crashes into oncoming traffic. In other words, the US has little margin for error. Almost none. W

But what would a Civil War 2.0 look like? It wouldn’t be people wearing gray uniforms vs people wearing blue uniforms like last time. I suspect it will take on one of two forms: 1) The election has a clear winner, the other side refuses to accept it, and government agencies, states, and people start disassociating with each other, followed by outright violent revolution (storming the Bastille), January 6th but on a bigger level in more places [The new movie “Civil War” with Kirsten Dunst does a good job of portraying what this US civil war would look like today].The other option is the Northern Ireland version. Two sides that co-exist, but not without lots of hatred, occasional terrorist attacks, bombings of innocents, and assassination attempts. Life goes on as normal, except for bursts of violence and terrorism occurring frequently enough that no one ever relaxes. People are on alert, but also numb. Can a nation that has many of these characteristics avoid a Civil War? Yes, but it often takes something like an external attack from a foreign country to make people put the hatred aside. Think the week after 9/11.

Another option is that one side overplays their hand and it leads to the deligitimization of that side. They fizzle out. This can take a while. One final option I would suggest is that the foot soldiers on both sides start to realize that they are fighting the wrong enemy. For instance, both Red America and Blue America have huge swaths of people that have fallen out of the Middle Class and struggle to pay bills, health care, get an education, and a job with upward mobility. It’s possible that the people on both sides realize they have more in common than they thought, and it sparks a revolution instead of a Civil War. I suspect, this is what will ultimately happen in the United States over the course of the next 20 years. A switch from race, party, and religious differences and a move toward class differences. I say that because never in history has society taken on so much public and private debt and created such a massive wealth divide between the have and have-nots. I further suspect that the wealth-gap is the primary driver of all the frustration on both sides, and social media and mainstread media is the match that lights the fire and makes it about something else (race, religion, politics, nationality).

I don’t think most Americans want to drop their i-phones, take up arms, shoot their work colleagues over a political difference, or dispose of an entire race of people. But fear is a great motivator and in today’s world, fear has been monetized and distributed at lightning speed through technology. And sadly, our brains are chemically more responsive to fear and anger than they are to peace and understanding. It’s completely possible that democracy can’t exist in an environment of so much wealth disparity combined with powerful technologies that monetize fear. I’m glad to be back. Despite the dark news, there is so much that has been fun in these first couple of weeks back. I love this country deeply. I have close friends on both sides of the aisle. Ultimately, the big choice will not be a vote for a party in this election, but for the condition of our own heart.

Most likely we are in World War 3 or a major re-ordering of the entire global world order. The catalyst was the 2008 economic collapse and since then, democracy has been in retreat, major wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Ukraine, and now Palestine/Israel have left old alliances fractured, and new unholy alliances forming. From here, the stakes get higher for every country. Here are the most important things to keep an eye on this coming year (and beyond):

SEPTEMBER 11th, 2001 Part. 2? A New Holy War: The clash between the West and Islamic Fascism turned into two U.S. wars, the rise of Al Qaeda and then ISIS, the destruction of Syria, a refugee crisis in Europe, as well as the Arab Spring which pushed back on Islamic Fascism. While the Middle East was simmering down (actually creating new unholy alliances behind the scenes), Part 2 of this war seems to have resumed. We now go back to seeing widespread prejudice against Middle Easterners and Muslims on one side and Jews, Americans, and Westerners on the other side. Even if cooler heads prevail in government, there are fanatical groups on all sides (islamic terrorists, apocalyptic orthodox jews wanting war, Nazis, nationalists, racist groups, lone-wolf attackers) who will most likely come out of the woodwork and keep this going for a long time.

DOES IRAN GO TO WAR?: Iran is not really in a position to go to war against Israel and certainly not against the US and Israel together. Luckily, Iran is led by corrupt materialists pretending to be Islamic Holy men so they probably can’t risk their wives not having access to shopping in Paris and their kids going to Stanford. But the problem is Iran has created many proxy armies (like Hezbollah and Hamas) and any one of them could go rogue, or more likely, factions within these factions will go rogue and actually declare a jihad against Israel and the West. More important than the two US Aircraft Carriers discouraging Iran, Iran’s threats to attack Israel, and the bombs going off between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon, is those terrorist groups and whether they splinter as “true believers” go rogue.

AMERICA WITHDRAWS OR ENGAGES A NEW WORLD ORDER: The US has significantly withdrawn from the Middle East since the poorly-executed Iraq/Aghanistan wars which just created more dangerous complicated vacuums in the region. American leaders and people will want to isolate themslves from all of this. Politicians will run on it and possibly win promising to keep the US out of global conflicts. That will sound good, but unfortunately everything from food, to oil, to microchips, to materials to make fossil fuel alternatives are tied to Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. The US will see too many disruptions if it pulls out, but it also doesn’t have the money to stay in. In some ways, Hamas has completed Osama Bin Laden’s trap for America: Go in and you get war and global hatred, withdraw and you get war everywhere else and lower standards of living. What will the USA do? Beware of stupid politicians with their one-liner answers to complicated problems.

FOSSIL FUEL PRESSURE: Energy prices are most likely going to get worse. The US produces enough oil to not depend on the Middle East, but it may have to resort to more fracking, more drilling in Alaska, and building oil platforms off of its beautiful coasts. No one should want this, but Americans will want a reprieve from expensive energy costs. Thus we can expect to see an acceleration in the desire to create a green economy, to use nuclear, solar, and wind. The problem, however, is all of those things depend on oil (for the metals, the plastic, the concrete, the transportation, the mining etc.). A truly green economy is not possible for a long time. And the mining required to build a green economy mostly takes place in unstable countries like Russia and the Congo. Who taps Africa’s resources? China has a big head start. The US has the political leverage. And Russia uses militias like the Wagner group. Keep an eye on energy prices, an accelaration in a desire to go “green”, and geo-political and financial challenges in the greening process.

As was the case after the 2008 global economic crisis, this will be a great time for anti-democratic and theocratic leaders to promise voters the moon. Democratic norms typically see roll-backs during periods like this. This time around, A.I. and misinformation campaigns will be on over-drive. The rise in authoritarianism was starting to slow down because whether it’s Turkey, or China, or the US, people were beginning to see that these leaders have no answers—they just know how to have enemies and make people angry. But terrorism could give all of this a new lease on life.

CHINA-TAIWAN: China has only had 1 war since 1945 and it was against Vietnam in 1979 and they lost. Xi Jinping’s Taiwan threats are mostly to scare the US navy away from China’s coasts and to mobilize nationalist sentiment in China to distract from all of China’s problems. As with Netanyahu and Putin, if he loses the war, he gets kicked out in disgrace. It’s a huge gamble. Unfortunately, Xi is a poor decision maker, who like Putin, is surrounded by “yes men” who don’t give him the truth. With leaders like that, you can never be sure what will happen. Putin made a horrific miscalculation invading Ukraine, but he believed his own hype and thought no one would respond.

MASSIVE ANTI-IMMIGRATION MOVEMENTS: Probably the nations of the West will now be far more pro-actively anti-immigration. In some senses, it will make sense since the amount of refugees and displaced people (by war, poverty, and climate) is going to grow dramatically. Ironically, many nations from Germany, Italy, and Japan to China and the United States need immigrants to replace their dangerously-low birthrates, provide enough workers, and to support their tax-base. So an enormous influx of immigrants can destabalize society, but keeping them all out can also destabilize society. Look to see which countries handle immigration intelligently and which don’t.

ISRAEL-HAMAS-and PEACE: Hamas and Israel have opened a new active front in a conflict that began going to new levels in the late 1800’s. There’s no realistic chance for peace. Too many factions exist that will be committed to war. The best that can be hoped for is that the governments of Israel, Saudi Arabia and other Arab nations (mostly Sunni nations) agree to keep their borders and trade open to Israel. Call this the “Preserve Dubai” world. Yes, they all hate each other, but if they can make money while hating each other–that’s better than going broke and destroying each other. Iran won’t be a part of this. Iran will probably face a lot more hostility in the future, and possibly a revolution.

LOOK FOR REVOLUTIONS: In the West, in East Asia, in Latin America, and in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, we can expect to see more revolutions and coup d’etats. A return to the 1970’s when governments collapsed all the time. Some of these revolutions may destroy corrupt regimes like Iran, and others will give birth to new Democratic regimes. But social media, inflation, and de-globalization are creating a tinder-box so that people are ready to engage in civil wars, one way or another.

SPACE AND COMMUNICATIONS WARS: Power grids, satellites, GPS, underground cables…all will be targets in the emerging global conflicts. That is concerning because fragile societies are complex societies–dependent on more interconnected things than anyone can keep track of. The same way that technology lulled Israeli security forces into a false sense of security, our technological dependence is doing the same thing regarding threats to our modern world.

LOOK FOR AN INCREASE IN APOCALYPYIC MOVEMENTS: “End times” prophets are found in most all world religions. Certainly, Evangelicals will be claiming this is the end and it’s all foretold. But so will Ultra-orthodox apocalyptic Jews, and apocalyptic Shiite Muslims. You can find apocalypticism in Hinduism, in Buddhism, and in the ancient civlizations of the Maya and Aztec. We will also see secular messianic versions of this: “only AI can save us.” It’s how people deal with rapid change, tragedy, and the unexplainable. It’s not something to get caught up in, but many people will–just as they will get caught up in fascism, conspiracy theories, and other things that provide simplistic analysis and answers.

History is cyclical. The British World Order was upended by World War I and II. The American World order (1945/1991-to present) is currently being upended. What will replace it? It will take a decade or more to find out. Periods of peace and prosperity have been quite rare in human history. We’ve been spoiled.

That is why FAMILY has always been so important in human societies. It’s also why COMMUNITY and NEIGHBORS have been important. Modern society is practically hostile toward community, family, and connecting with neighbors. We live inward, disconnected lives–much of it spent online–and that makes us more vulnerable and fragile. While times of crisis are never pleasant, they do tend to separate for us what is truly important in life, versus what are superficial distractions.

Ultimately, this will probably lead to a safer, healthier world order, but probably one that is less democratic. This was my prediction 15 years ago when I wrote an essay called: “The Future is Singapore.” I wrote then:

“The world that we are entering into may be too
inter-connected, too environmentally fragile, with far too
many consumers and too threatened by assymetrical
open-source warfare for liberal democracy to flourish. The
situation fragile China now finds itself in may be a
harbinger of the future of the nation-state. We are too
wealthy, use too many of the world’s resources, and are too
vulnerable to de-centralized forces to disregard the role
that a strong, state can play.” -“The Future is Singapore” 2008

I would love to be wrong about everything I’ve written in these 4 parts. I would prefer a quiet life, where there is no violence, where travel is safe and people of all colors and ethnicities co-exist, and we solve problems like cancer instead of taking these dark detours. But humans are going to human, so we should focus on the good things that we do best when we are at our best: friendship, family, building community, helping your neighbor, and taking care of our children. Most of all, remember the children. As annoying and volatile as we humans are, we do need each other.

The fight between Hamas and Israel may be an age-old, continuing feud over land, religion, and ancient cultural grievances; but for other nations such as China and Russia, this is part of the greater battle of rejecting American-led globalization and American power.

But first, a question: How do empires and civilizations fall? There tends to be a common series of events that lead to the collapse of a nation or empire. Beginning with the first empire– the Assyrian Empire, the end comes about due to a combination of the following things: delusional autocratic leadership and dysfunctional government, a loss of the tax base, demographic collapse (due to low birth-rates, disease, or plagues), a great divide between the rich and the poor, the military gets involved in too many wars, natural and man-made climate disasters destroy the arable land, they experience a breakdown in civil society (civil wars), they go financially bankrupt, they are invaded or attacked in a moment of weakness, and they collapse because of too much complexity.

Some empires can collapse and rise again multiple times (like Assyria, and Ancient Egypt), others disappear forever (like the Etruscans, Incas, and Aztecs), and some just shrink to become a modest state (Great Britain, the Mongol Empire, Spain).

Today there is one undisputed super-power in the world, the United States. No military or economy can truly compete—and that includes China. But it goes further than that. The world has been following the American blue-print of free-market economics, democracy, alliances with the United States, and inter-dependent economic connectivity all backed by American power (800 military bases in over 70 countries) since 1945. It is an Americanized global world order. The challenge to that (The Communist World) mostly collapsed in 1991. Even China became a capitalist power-house in the 1990’s. This was the third great era of globalization in history. It raised living standards, brought more peace and democracy than we have ever seen, and cut global poverty by more than 50%. Extreme poverty dramatically decreased, but it also created enormous divides between rich and poor, so that the middle class weakened in developed countries, and grew quickly in less developed countries like China and India. Most significantly to what is happening now, it led to new nations wanting to challenge and destroy the U.S.-led world order.


There are a number of nations and movements that really seek to end the so-called “American Century” since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.

ISLAMIC FASCIST MOVEMENTS: The first overt challenge was Islamic Fascism and the world order alternative presented by Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda. Bin Laden and Al-Zwahari were very clear prior to the attacks about what their plan was. It was a trap: “Let’s weaken the United States by drawing them into a long war in the Middle East, forcing them to overspend, go bankrupt, and isolate from the world while making many enemies.” The American world order would be replaced by an Islamic Caliphate running the world. While that’s attractive to a small portion of Muslims, most Muslim youth around the world are bored by that and want to be atheists, soccer stars or rappers. But enough joined to grow Al-Qaeda (especially in Africa), and ISIS. Both Hezbollah and Hamas share a common hatred of Israel and the United States.

CHINA: Newly “wealthy” and powerful China has aggressively tried to create a Chinese world order to replace the American one. This is one where China gets to remain an authoritarian state accountable to no one, but practices Capitalism with the rest of the world (minus the American penchant for inserting morality into foreign policy). In other words: “We Chinese don’t care who we work with, as long as they make us money and expand our economic reach. They can be communist, capitalist, terrorists, nationalists, European, Latin American autocrats, African…anything.” China will support anyone and anything that allows it to make money and weakens the US world order.

China’s problem is that it is a house of cards, far more fragile than people realize. It’s leader Xi Jinping is deeply unpopular and incompetent, it’s economic success was a mirage built on debt, bad loans, and over-construction. Dishonest banking practices, manipulation of numbers and corruption hide the real truth. Today, its unemployment rate is high, it’s consumers don’t spend, there is a housing affordability crisis, there are far too many men and not enough women so birth-rates are dangerously low, the family is breaking down, there are too many pensioners and not enough workers, it has an untested and over-rated military and China is prone to regular pandemics, , natural disasters, and suffers from severe environmental degradation. Those are a lot of the things on the list of how empires fall. China is a fragile nation, pretending to be the next United States. But people buy into their projected image. In reality, China looks like France in 1900 and Japan in the 1990’s: nations that were supposed to become the premier global powers and peaked too soon.

RUSSIA: Russia has reached the point of no return as a country. It’s been called “Zaire with permafrost.” Aside from oil, some key natural resources and a low quality military that can only bomb and raze and commit acts of terrorism, its rusty nuclear weapons that may or may not work, are the only things that keep it relevant. Putin’s goal all along has been to restore as much of the Soviet Empire as he can. So far that has amounted to Belarus and from time to time, Kazakhstan being part of his newly-constituted “Eurasian Economic Union” which is supposed to compete with China, the E.U., India, and the United States. So far, it’s been a laughable failure because Putin is no genius. Putin’s second goal is to destroy the American World Order which means he will work with North Korea, China, Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, or terrorist groups like Hamas if it hurts the United States. While no one is watching, he and the Wagner group have created chaos in Africa (removing the French and the government of Niger just last week), they are assisting a new war to come about between Azerbaijan and Armenia (while no one is watching), as well as in Malawi, Chad, and other regions. Russia is also buying political parties in democratic states, using troll farms and cyber-warfare on America and its allies, and as of this week, blaming the United States for the Hamas-Israel problem. Russia supports both Hamas, props up Syria, and supports the portions of Israel politicians that were starting a Civil War between the Israeli Jews themselves. In other words, Russia sowed many of the seeds of this current conflict by financing and supporting the two most violent rivals in Israel (hardline Jews and hardline terrorists). Russia understands it doesn’t need a strong military. It just needs to create dangerous fault-lines around the world that trip up the United States and the EU. This sadly works because disinformation campaigns work, bribery works, kompromat works, and people are very slow to stand up to a bully.

IRAN: Iran funds terrorism around the world. While the people of Iran are overwhelmingly young and in support of the United States (and hate radical Shiia Islam), the corrupt, theocratic mullahs of Iran have managed to maintain control of the nation since 1979 and are committed to causing problems for their 3 great enemies: The USA, Israel, and their Sunni Islamic rival, Saudi Arabia. The Hamas-Israel conflict is good for destroying Israel and weakening the US and Saudi Arabia, which they desperately want. Like Russia, their goal is to pay and supply terrorists but be removed enough to create plausible deniability: “Maybe they are using some of our weapons, and we’ve given them some money and advice, but we didn’t plan this thing.” Same tactic Russia and China are using (Chinese and Russian fingerprints will be all over this current Hamas terrorist attack, not just Iran).

SAUDI ARABIA AND TURKEY: Both are authoritarian nations that are fair-weathered allies of the United States. American military bases are in Turkey and Turkey (which recently changed its official name to Türkiye Cumhuriyeti) are part of NATO. But Turkey is run by a dictator who supports Islamic Fascism and genocide of the Kurds. He’s already come out in support of Hamas and protected Russia’s fleet in the Black Sea from the US Navy. Like Putin, Orban, Xi, and Netanyahu, Turkey’s President is all about weakening any institutions, judicial system, and legislative bodies that limit his total control. As for Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia gives the U.S. oil in exchange for security from Iran. Saudi supports Islamic fascist movements and terrorist groups around the world, including hardcore Islamic Fascist schools in Pakistan. But the US still depends too much on these two nations, both who have no real love for Israel or the United States. Both join Russia, China, and Iran in wanting a non-American world order.

Both China and the United States are technically broke (I’ve written about this extensively before on my blog). The world governments are currently carrying a debt of over $300 trillion, and more than 1/3 of that is American debt racked up since 9/11/2001. It’s over $500 trillion if you count corporate debt. In other words, countries like the USA can never pay back their debts. In fact, they cannot even afford the interest on the loans and its mathematically impossible to ever pay back the full debt. Basically, every major country from the UK to France, to Japan, to China is carrying unsustainable debt.

This is a huge problem for China and the rest of the world—and all were in bad shape financially before COVID forced them to spend trillions to prop up their economies during lockdown. Wars are expensive, pandemics are expensive, and no one has the money to pay for it. But here we are.

The US gets away with its high debts because the dollar is the world’s reserve currency. This means the US has an extra 4th option that other countries don’t have. Option 1 is default and declare bankruptcy. Argentina does this pretty regularly. Option 2 is called “austerity” and means the government cuts back its spending on its citizens (pensions, schools, medical care, housing assistance, infrastructure, welfare programs). No government in a democracy survives that. The UK briefly tried it after the 2008 crisis and had to reverse course quickly as people’s anger mounted. Option 3 is a “Global Debt Jubilee” where the whole world decides to forgive each other’s debts and re-price everything. It requires tons of cooperation and there are big winners and losers. It’s a Biblical idea practiced by Ancient Israel, but hard to pull off in today’s complicated, integrated global economy. Option 4 is for the United States alone. Devalue your currency by printing money out of thin air. Artificially prop up the stock market, continually change the inflation markers, allow high inflation and high interest rates to slow the economy, let the value of the dollar shrink in real terms so that $100 will only buy $10 worth of stuff 10 years from now. This is the option the US is doing now. It’s an invisible tax that people are slow to notice or don’t notice at all. And this kind of extreme currency and market manipulation started with Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan and went into over-drive after 9/11 and the dot.com bust around 2004. Every President since then, Democrat or Republican (W. Bush, Obama, Trump, Biden) has been trapped into spending money that the US doesn’t have because the Federal Reserve created a manipulated (and very ironically, socialist) controlled, economy. American capitalists are thus completely dependent on socialism (for corporations). Even the rich are getting poorer in the United States, but they can afford to get poorer because they have such an enormous advantage and own valuable assets the Middle Class and poor do not. The Middle Class and the poor in the United States have been in decline since 1971, but only started to figure out they were in decline after the 2008 financial crisis. Hence the Tea Part (conservative), Occupy Wall Street (liberal), and the rise of militancy, racism, and demagoguery. The blame that should go toward highly-sophisticated and manipulative banking and economic fiscal policy instead gets channeled toward immigrants, Blacks, Jews, Republicans, Democrats, city people vs. rural people etc. Demagogues rise, democracy suffers, trust-levels in society plummet. That’s the process that has really accelerated in the USA since 2012.

While the US has long promised to defend Israel and Taiwan (notice how the Hamas-Israel war forces the US to take its eyes and military off of Ukraine and Taiwan), the American nation shows many of the signs of a collapsing empire: dysfunctional government, enormous divide between rich and poor, flirting with autocratic leadership, divided in two and on the brink of a form of civil war, a shrinking tax base, demographic slow-down, and an over-stretched military involved in too many long-term wars. For Russia, China, Turkey, Iran, and Islamic-Fascist terrorist groups, the United States is just as fragile right now as Israel. And their hope is the same as Osama Bin Laden’s prior to 9/11. They hope that the U.S. overcommits, makes a new set of enemies, goes to war, goes bankrupt and falls into civil war and autocracy.

While China, Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey all enjoy trying to destroy the American world order, they all have a huge problem: They are all super crappy at running their own countries and haven’t provided a succesful economic world order to compete with the American-led post 1991 globalization world order. Their populations (particularly all the young generations) do not want to be disconnected from the globalized world. They want i-phones, Zoom, remote work, travel, and Taylor Swift. Their living standards will get worse in a post-American World Order. Young people and talented people have left Russia in droves, China has had to put travel restrictions on its people because so many Chinese want to leave China and store their money in the West. Saudi has an enormous youth unemployment problem, Turkey was the 11th largest economy in the world before Erdogan and today it is an economic laggard, and Iran is filled with a mostly young population that is pro-West and hates Islam. These nations may destroy themselves or fall into civil war in their effort to destroy the United States world order.

Interestingly, every country mentiond (including China and Russia) have a large population of Muslims that can easily be radicalized. Both China and Russia abuse their Islamic citizens, so sponsoring terrorism against the United States and Israel will probably backfire horrifically on China, Russia, Turkey, Iran, and Saudi Arabia. It’s a be-careful-what-you-wish-for situation.

At some point in the near future, Americans will have to come together and fight a common enemy (like Israel is having to do literally overnight after being on the brink of Civil War before the Hamas attack), or the US will choose to withdraw from the world (which is not possible in an age of satellite communications that we are all dependent on), or begin a long-term decline. To survive and thrive, the US will have to reinvent itself (which it has done 3 times before) and come together very quickly. Just as Hamas trapped Israel last week, the bigger players on the world have been working to trap the United States for 20 years and are in the process of finishing the job. The USA will have enormously consequential decisions to make from here on out that will either extend the American Century or end it rapidly. Right now Americans are too busy fighting and hating each other to see the forest through the trees.

Since the 9/11 attacks, the ancient civilizations (and that’s what they are…not countries but civilizations) of Iran, China, and Russia have been playing 5 dimensional chess, while American leaders both Republican and Democrat have been playing Hungry Hungry Hippos. Can the United States avoid the fate of other nations and civilizations that reached this point? It has before, but each time it required a level of selflessness and sacrifice that comes hard for a nation of radical individualists whose instinct is to put their own needs ahead of a common greater good.

[In my 4th and final post, I will highlight the most important things to keep an eye on over the next decade. A new world order is being created–the question outanding however is will it be a more free and safe world order, or a more dangerous and autocratic world order].


By massively attacking Israel out of Gaza, Hamas has forced Israel to decide between 3 terrible options. Let’s look at each one:

OPTION 1: Bomb Gaza into oblivion the way the Russians destroyed Grozny or destroyed Mariupoul, Ukraine. Gaza is a tiny little walled in corner of Israel the size of Washington D.C. but with 2.3 million people (Israel itself is only the geographic size of New Jersey). In this first option, it is total destruction and elimination of Gaza’s buildings, infrastructure, and possibly all of its people. It’s shooting fish in a barrel. Most people in Gaza live in apartment blocks which means the entire territory is just buildings with tons of people in them all crowded together (and 50% of them are children). If Israel just bombs Gaza into oblivion, that would be like the world watching the island of Manhattan (NYC) filled with 50% children get bombed from the sky. The death toll would probably be 10 times higher (yes higher) than at HIROSHIMA after it was struck by an Atomic Bomb. It would be a televised massacre of mostly children. No matter how badly Israel needs safety and wants revenge, a death count 10 times that of Hiroshima or Nagasaki is not something the world will support.

That leaves OPTION 2: Soften the ground with air power bombing Gaza, and then launch an invasion of Gaza by sending in troops. This is the option Israel seems to be choosing and most likely will stick with. Israel has dreaded doing this before, and has only done it on a small, temporary scale and it did not go well. Why?

Israel has to go into this densely populated area (Manhattan filled with 50% children and a large population of males that own machine guns) and literally go door to door and building to building having firefights, falling into booby-traps, trying to find and use informants, getting shot at by non-military people, suicide bombers and other non-Hamas fighters, finding all of the terrorists (impossible), and rescuing the hostages (that are possibly not even in Gaza or Israel anymore or at the very least are all spread out amongst many different locations in Gaza).

With 2 million people in tiny, boxed-in Gaza, Israel would need an enormous amount of soldiers to go street by street. They will try this anyway, but they will be short of troops, it will be very, very slow, and a very high percentage of Israel’s soldiers will die and some will be taken hostage–further complicating the hostage situation. Israel’s firepower is so strong, however, that hundreds of thousands of people in Gaza (some terrorists, some not) will be out-gunned and killed. For each 1 Israeli that dies, at least 10 to 100 Palestinians will die.

Yes, Israel has practiced this and prepared for it—but they have always dreaded it because this is worse than Vietnam, this is much worse than Fallujah. Every moment will include mass murder by one side or the other. This is the option Netanyahu is saying they will do. He warns it will be long and difficult and that the goal is to destroy every single Hamas member. And the images on television will reflect badly on Israel or badly on the Palestinians (depending on your TV news network and in what country you are in–and which oligarch owns it and what their politics are) and the Hamas terrorists will never be truly caught nor will the hostages be found. Israel probably knows this already. They have regretted making deals with Hamas for hostages in the past and the hostages are not really the priority at this point. National survival is.

The surrounding of Israel by enemies on multiple fronts would probably happen with this scenario too. It will be 2 million people in Gaza alone going against a few thousand Israelis and that is just on one front. Perhaps a humanitarian corridor can be created to let out women and children, perhaps Egypt will allow 2 million people to be settled in refugee camps on their border, perhaps Arab nations will take in 2 million refugees (unlikely), regardless, most people are willing to stay, die, and fight for their homes and seek revenge for their families. So an international evacuation cannot be a complete solution. Too much blood has been spilt and many of the refugees will be radicalized even if they leave Gaza and end up in camps or prison.

This is all part of Hamas’ trap for Israel. To truly be safe and survive, Israel really needs to invade at least half of Lebanon, the Golan Heights, the West Bank, and possibly parts of Syria. If we believe Israel will go all out to survive–that is what we are talking about. Hamas’ hope is that this could lead to Hezbollah (also supported by Iran) attacking Israel from Lebanon. That would most likely draw Lebanon into war with Israel and the US providing logistical support against Hezbollah. That could provoke Syria (under Russia’s guidance) to join the fight and would lead to Iraqi, Iranian, and Afghan jihadists coming in from the East. That would have Israel pretty much be surrounded.

Then there is OPTION 3: Do very little in response. Bomb and invade Gaza for a while, do severe damage to Hamas, withdraw, and make a deal with the Arab States to bring a regional cease-fire. Most Arab nations would actually want this to happen. There would be a few weeks and months of bombing, while the EU, the USA and Arab States buy off, or bribe Hamas to release the hostages and come to an agreement. Maybe the US and NATO threaten Iran behind the scenes (which seems to have just happened yesterday). This will be tried, regardless. But as Netanyahu told Biden, “in this neighborhood you can’t show weakness.” That’s true. Option 3 is a response that is too weak and would just signal to Hezbollah, ISIS, Al-Qaeda and any nation hostile to Israel that Israel is on the brink of collapse. If Israel chooses “peace” or “negotiation,” that will embolden their enemies and make them feel like their tactics are working. Consequently, Israel probably feels that this response has to be long, violent, and relentless. No peace. No negotiation. Look for Option 2 which leads to the next point: This can spread very rapidly.

Regardless of the 3 options, there will be one inevitable result: Other countries, lone wolfs around the world, and jihadists will join this fight. Whether it’s Shiite Iraqis, or Taliban fighters, or Al-Qaeda, or ISIS, or Syria via Russia—if this becomes A HOLY WAR to get revenge on Israel, it will become a multi-national war quickly. It already is a HOLY WAR for Israel now. So This will mean attacks on synagogues and Jewish communities all around the world. All Jews and the State of Israel will be targeted and this would most likely force the United States into joining the war to protect Israel. It will also probably lead to more security threats, more attacks on cities, and a return to the post 9/11 atmosphere of late 2001.

The most alarming thing is that it only took 2 to 3 days for some of these things I just mentioned to start coming together. That’s a bad, bad sign. Predictable, but very bad. Saudi Arabia which is split between the pro-Palestinian King’s camp and the pro-Globalization-with-Israel camp announced that it was siding with Palestinians in Gaza. So did Iraq. So did Yemen’s Houthi rebels who promised to send fighters if the US gets involved. Hezbollah has threatened to join if the USA joins and is already firing rockets. NATO member and “ally” authoritarian Turkish leader Erdogan is also strongly supporting Palestine. Afghanis requested permission to travel across Iran to join the jihad. And the real war in Gaza hasn’t even started.

For about a couple of decades, the Arab World had forgotten about Palestine. The New Arab world was about Dubai, Qatar, turning Saudi Arabia into a sports-hub, and making alliances with anyone that can make them money (including Jews in Israel). This has angered Iran, jihadists, and Palestinians. Hamas has now successfully made destroying Israel the Arab World’s number one priority again. That will grow as Israel takes its revenge. Playing golf and football in Saudi Arabia and vacationing in Dubai is going to get much less attractive quickly.

In some sense, this war between Israel and Hamas is now out of their hands–and that’s a KEY POINT. Both sides could choose peace tomorrow, but ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Russia via Syria, Turkey via Kurdistan, the Taliban, and lone wolf attackers may already have decided, “this is the opportunity to strike.” Even if they don’t, Israeli Jews are already shooting their Palestinian neighbors in Jerusalem. Israeli settlers are already taking up arms and getting revenge without the help of the Israeli army or government. Muslim groups are already promising to take up arms. This quickly becomes a cultural, religious war based on ancient historical grievances for anyone who is Jewish or subscribes to militant Islamist ideology. That will become the rocket fuel, not what the political leaders of Hamas and Israel decide. The evil genie is out of the bottle.

THE AXIS OF AUTHORITARIANISM: As a response to the rapid integration of globalization, the extreme rich-poor divide it created, and challenges it brings to local and national culture, many nations have chose to deal with the challenge by following authoritarian leaders who promises to take everyone back to a “golden age” (same promise Osama Bin Laden made). Brazil, Hungary, Turkey, the Philippines, China, Iran, Russia, and other countries have seen authoriatrian leaders gain power to “make things right.” They rely on the culture wars, xenophobia, and idealism about the nation’s glorioius past to divide the nation and weaken democracy. Nations like France and the United States flirt with the idea of becoming authoritarian nations, but the jury is still out. The first goal of this form of authoritarianism is to gain complete control of the institutions and political processes of the country. It’s about power.

But there is a second agenda that has been growing that deserves a post of its own (the focus of my next post). Neither Russia, nor China, nor Iran, nor Saudi Arabia, nor North Korea can hope to replace the United States as the premier global power. But all four nations want to see the end of American power (and that includes the US dollar losing currency reserve status). What would weaken the USA the fastest is culture wars–a civil war, replacing the dollar with a new alternative, forcing the USA to overspend by going to war, or for the USA to stop being a functional democracy and become an authoritarian non-democratic state. That is exactly where Israel was headed before the October 7th attacks: A democracy dying and headed toward civil war with each other). Any chaos these 5 countries can stir is to their advantage and weakens the United States.

It’s pretty clear that the tactics used by Hamas come from their Russian and Iranian training. These are the same Russians that Netanyahu had been cosying up to for years in order to win Israel’s culture wars and remain in power (see photos of him and Putin together recently). Under Netanyahu, the Russian mafia has an enormous amount of power and operates a large sex-trafficking network out in the open from Tel Aviv. Russian billionaires hide their wealth and live in Israel. Security looks the other way. Hamas relies on the Russians for training and the Iranians for weaponry. The drones they used most likely came from Iran. Israel’s leadership naively got caught up in the games Saudi, Russia, and Iran in particular have been playing and weakened themselves. It also starts a trap for the United States: US carriers are already headed to the Mediterrenean and that will be explored in the next post.

I suggested World War 3 may have already started. We already have a war in Europe (Nato & Ukraine vs. Russia with assistance from China, Iran and North Korea—-drones, weapons, political support). Now we have a war in the Middle East (Israel and its Western allies vs. Hamas (most likely to be supported by many Arab states and terrorist groups). So that’s war in Europe, also in the Middle East….and what if China invades Taiwan (Asia)? Sounds pretty World Warish to me.

The axis of authoriarians are setting it up so that the US will quickly be in a trap like the one Hamas set for Israel. In the next post I will discuss how the United States is itself trapped now, how this benefits Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and China–but also how it has the potential to backfire enormously on all 4 nations. In their effort to weaken the United States’ dominant global influence, they will need to risk their own regimes.

When did World War II start? Americans usually answer that it started in December of 1941 when Pearl Harbor was attacked. Europeans say it began in 1939 when the Nazis invaded Poland. But for Asians, the date is July 7th, 1937 when Japan attacked China in the Marco Polo Bridge Incident which started WWII on the Pacific Side. In other words, World Wars start at multiple times and places until they merge into one big global conflict. The attack on Israel by Hamas is probably our 1939 moment. In other words, World War III has probably started, but we are now at the point where most of the world is on the verge of admitting it.


Probably. When historians look back on this time, they will probably say that the seeds for World War 3 were sowed in 2008 when the global economy went into recession, nations took on unsustainable debt, social media became toxic, and the culture wars led to a decline in democracy and the growth of autocratic leaders. That describes 2008-2020 with a pandemic thrown in.

When did World War 3 actually start? They will probably say it began in 2014-2016 when Russia began overtly using cyber-attacks on democracies and weaponizing social media. Phase 2 will be viewed as the nearly invisible weaponizing of Space which has been occurring behind the scenes (between the USA, Russia, China, and India). The goal is not really to get to Mars, the top priority is to have the capability to destroy your enemies’’satellites, take down their internet, disconnect them from the global and electronic world. Space today is a crowded, busy, dangerous place filled with space junk, satellites, and weaponry. It’s so dangerous anyone going up in a spaceship has to seriously worry about crashing into something as you leave the Earth’s atmosphere.

Phase 3 of World War III will probably the invasion of Ukraine by Russia which pushed China, and Iran into more overt cooperation. It also ushered in Russia, China, and Saudi Arabia’s desire to displace the US Dollar. It united and divided NATO, and encouraged China to ratchet up its belligerence toward Taiwan.

Phase 4 will be the Hamas-Attack on Israel, where suddenly, a modern nation and significant world power is on the brink of complete collapse, invasion, or destruction. It’s also the moment that the world wakes up to the fact that Israeli and Chinese surveillance technology is not the ultimate impenetrable weapon. Like 9/11 with the box-cutters, Hamas has destroyed Israel’s high tech safety perimeter.


It looks like Hamas has brilliantly executed a plan to completely box-in Israel and possibly destroy the nation. The trap seemed to involve a number of ingenious moves. 1) They pretended they were fighting with each other, bickering, and in desperate need of economic assistance from Israel desiring work permits. Israel bought into their fake drama and believed they were weakened and humbled in light of Israel’s high -tech surveillance. 2). They took advantage of the fact that Benyamin Natanyahu had massively weakened Israel splitting it in two using the culture wars (conservative, hard-right orthodox jews vs. the more secular Jewish establishment). It won him elections narrowly, but divided the nation, the military, and led him to start destroying Israel’s checks and balances by weakening its key institutions, like the Supreme Court. Israel had leadership that talked about War against Iran all the time, but was actually doing everything it could to weaken its own nation in order for the Likud Prime Minister to keep winning elections amidst many scandals. 3) They gave up using technology to communicate and went back to old school face to face communication, they got drones from Iran, and re-armed themselves right under Netanyahu’s nose. Netanyahu’s anti-terrorism blabber was shtick to win elections. The real threat wasn’t the culture wars or Iran’s nuclear bomb, it was Israel’s occupation of Palestine. For this Netanyahu will eventually be removed in disgrace once we get passed the initial unity phase.

But the most ingenious part of the trap was taking hostages and moving them to Gaza. In my next post, I will share why Hamas’ Gaza-based war and their hostage taking has made it impossible for Israel to respond without horrific consequences, and why this accelerates what will be a time of disruption like World War II. Initially, all the nations will try to pressure Israel and Hamas to settle this quickly. They might give Israel 3 months to attack without much condemnation, and then ask them to let sleeping dogs lie. But the moving pieces that have been set in motion will not make this a conflict that is localized and ends quickly. Instead, it will unleash a geo-political shift that will mean certain world powers that exist now, will collapse. Other nations that exist now, will be absorbed into other nations. And some countries and peoples that are weak now, will emerge as new powers on the scene. It will be a pivotal hinge of history that no one will forget.

In further posts, I will talk about the economic consequences, how the culture wars have enabled this fragility, what the USA, China, and Russia will most likely need to think about, and why apocalyptic movements increase, amongst other things.

Last night, I decided to watch a movie I knew absolutely nothing about. I just saw that it had received good reviews. It was called “The Fallout” and boy was I surprised when it turned out to be a drama starring Jenny Ortega about a group of American high school kids dealing with the fallout of a school shooting. Considering what happened this week at a Christian school in Nashville, it made it very raw and real.

Our kid grew up in Asia and Europe where this is not an issue or a concern and like most of the world, we think the amount of school shootings in the USA and the lack of change decade after decade is absolutely beyond belief. It’s amazing Americans aren’t more embarassed by this. But throughout history, no nation in its formative century was ever more attached, impacted, or dependent on the gun than the USA was in the 19th Century. The atmosphere surrounding the settling of the United States was truly one of extreme “Wild, Wild West” violence. Only Australia might have even an inkling of this individualistic, violent, culture looking out upon an “open continent” in its formative years, but Australia was underpopulated and mostly uninhabitable.

It’s deep, deep, deep in the American DNA that guns and violence make things work; that it keeps order and reduces risk. And it is part of the American male machismo. It’s reflected in American cinema, in music, and in American foreign policy. That little hand-held weapon allowed an entire continent of the most valuable land in the world to be conquered and settled. From the valuable but highly contested Appalachians to the farmland surrounding all sides of the mighty Mississippi, to the gold of California and the trees and fish of the Pacific Northwest–the lands and territories that became the United States are simply the richest, most resourced, most valuable land in the history of the world. Deserts, bayous, deep-water ports, giant estuaries, year-round snow-capped mountains, -even adding on tropical islands and arctic tundra-there is nothing the United States geographically lacks. Located at a perfect latitude, served by thousands of navigable rivers that connect the richest topsoil in the world–the land and natural resources of the soon-to-be 50 United States were one giant gold mine for the taking. And Mr. Gun consolidated all of this wealth and bounty for one people: “the Americans.” I read a lot about the Old West because it was so incredibly formative in defining American self-identity, American culture, and even American religion’s addiction to radical individualism (“all that matters is what is best for me, not the greater good of society or the next generation. Don’t tread on me.)”. It’s a radical departure from the core civilization values of the bulk of the world’s nations and people groups that were all highly dependent on the group and seeking the greater good for daily survival.

This movie “The Fallout” (very subtely I thought), explored the emotional health ramifications for this generation that, sadly, is under constant threat and actually has to practice drills to build barricades as if they were fighting in the 18th Century French Revolution. [It was surreal recently watching news footage of a first grade class in the United States having 6 year olds practicing moving their desks up against the door to make it hard for the shooter to enter and massacre all of them]. This same past week, there was a false-alarm shooting threat (the 2nd one this year) at my son’s college in the USA. So now we too get to join the list of American parents that actually have to think about this stuff daily, as does our child and their entire generation–Gen Z–the 2nd American generation having to grow up picking their hiding spaces and planning how they will react if it suddenly becomes a live-or-die war zone situation. I remember 10 years ago when kids coming out alive from school shootings would say to the news reporters: “we never thought it could happen here!” They don’t say that now. The “land of the free” with the well-endowed territories now has four-hundred million guns, a highly-medicated society, and a Congress dominated by the gun-lobby despite the majority wanting stricter gun laws. Oh and did I mention the politicians threatening or actively calling for Civil War. Frankly, you’d be crazy to think your local school might not get an active shooter.

It’s amazing that in the USA the “logical solution” is much more likely to be changing the entire architecture of an already constructed school building (to avoid multiple entry-points for active shooters) or arm the nerdy math teacher to fight against a high-powered assault rifle when the Uvalde Police force is too scared to go in, than to actually make acquiring assault rifles hard to get. They say that “you can judge a society by how it treats it’s children.” On that score, how is the USA doing? I’m not hopeful there will be a change. At least not until the generations that didn’t have to grow up with this threat are dead and off the stage. If I were a High school student today, I’d go on strike and do a massive march to NRA headquarters–not Congress (because that will amount to nothing. They’re bought and paid for). The old Christian saying, “live by the sword, die by the sword,” comes to mind.

I love Westerns. Part of the fun is the constant action and the stark contrast of good versus bad. But we don’t get a lot of Western movies that focus on the PTSD that children suffered in the Wild Wild West. I’m grateful at least one film has focused on that in regard to our society that really does find school shootings acceptable and a small price to pay for “freedom from tyranny.” Jenny Ortega put in an amazing performance, by the way.

Patrick Nachtigall received his Master’s Degree in Religion from Yale University and is the author of six books dealing with religion and globalization including, “In God We Trust: A Challenge to Evangelicals” and “No Religion Required, a Memoir of Faith, Doubt, Chocolate Milk, and Untimely Death.” He lives in Italy.

As we head toward a world that is increasingly dominated by technology, we should expect a rise in people who are atheists. Science, technology, and the “rational” material world will seem far more logical and promising to many than the superstitious realm of religion. However, we should also expect to see a counter-action of people turning toward belief in aliens, the supernatural, magic, and the occult. As I’ve been monitoring these trends, I’ve been shocked to see that many of the most effective new atheists, pagans, and Satanists are products of the Evangelical church. They grew up in Christian homes, went to Christian Sunday school and youth groups; they believed everything they were taught about the Bible–usually until their early ‘20s–and they know the Evangelical culture inside and out. They know every canned response to any theological question they ask; they know “Bible-speak” and use the verbal cliches and are familiar with every manipulative slogan or passive-aggressive theological statement the church can throw at people. They’ve heard it all, their questions were not taken seriously, they were wounded in the church, and they are ready to expose the hypocrisy of many Christian communities through atheism, paganism or Satanism.

The first track of this new resistance that I followed was a new wave of anti-Christian apologists. I wrote about them previously on my blog at getyourworldon.com. These are ordinary people who are arguing against Evangelical Christian interpretations of the Bible and doing an excellent job of exposing textual issues, contradictions, and texts with blatant misogyny, sexism, racism, slavery, and infanticide. They went from doing a deep dive on issues around Noah’s ark and Genesis to a deeper dive on issues of morally questionable divine commands. As former Evangelicals, they are familiar with all the defensive arguments Evangelicals will make and are ready to dismantle any cliche answer. Furthermore, quite often they understand the Bible’s history and nature as an Ancient Near Eastern Scripture far more than most Evangelical pastors. Debates between these former Evangelicals and current Evangelicals usually end up in a bloodbath, with the Evangelical getting more incoherent and contradictory by the second. These former Evangelicals are far more effective than the Richard Dawkins’ or Sam Harris’ of the world because they come from within the Evangelical culture.

The second track I’ve followed is the rapidly increasing interest in paganism, witchcraft, UFOs and alternative spiritualities. Unsettled times often bring a rise in spiritualism as well as apocalyptic cults and sects. People look for simple answers to increasingly complex situations. The world is currently at a pivot point where it will go from extreme complexity to hyper-complexity (fueled heavily by artificial intelligence becoming totally mainstream and accessible). Today, there is a dramatic rise in those who consider themselves to be witches, Wiccans, heathens, or nature worshippers. More and more people are getting involved in full moon rituals, taking pilgrimages to geologic marvels such as the rocks and mountains around Sedona, Arizona, and establishing alternative worshipping communities. Even more fascinating is the increasing number of Black Americans leaving the Evangelical church to practice traditional African tribal religions. These are indigenous African religious practices that have a lot more in common with pre-Christian religions and include spells and potions. Most do not view it as evil but aim to do good and find it more pragmatic and authentic than “White” religion. Traditionally, Black Americans have been very loyal to the Christian church. In the 1960s, during the Civil Rights era in the United States, many moved toward Islam as a way of dealing with the silence and passivity of the White Anglo-Church. While there were Christians on the frontlines of the battle for racial equality, there was a very substantial number arguing against it Biblically. Today, a similar thing is happening in the post-George Floyd era: a rediscovery of African indigenous traditions totally disconnected from the colonial, racist history of many Christian denominations. This is leading to a split in the generations with many under-40 Black American Christians wanting to distance themselves from White Christian institutions and denominations, go in a completely different spiritual direction, or embrace atheism. The speed at which this is happening has surprised even me, despite the fact I’ve been predicting this exodus away from the church for quite a while. Once again, it’s remarkable how many of the leading figures in the rising pagan revival come from deeply, committed, Evangelical homes.

The third track I’ve followed is the origin of the modern Satanic Temple in America. Part of my childhood took place in San Francisco, which at the time was known as the place that actually had a Church of Satan headed by Anton LaVey, the author of the Satanic bible. LaVey himself grew up in a Midwestern Baptist church and was influenced as much by Ayn Rand as occult literature and history. Much like many modern-day Satanists, the “Satanism” practiced is almost a form of performance art against Christian overreach into government.  The American Christian’s refusal to accept the Constitution’s insistence on the separation of church and state fuels many Satanists to get involved in a movement trying to point out the hypocrisy of Evangelical Christians and stop the march toward theocracy. In some cases, they are much more motivated to prevent the Ten Commandments being welcomed in schools than they are interested in practicing the dark arts. They know, as we all know, that American Christians would never tolerate the Koran being taught in schools, or Muslim prayer meetings, or taking over the Capitol building in the name of Allah. The modern Satanic Temple spends a lot of its time trying to force American Christians to see their own double standard, because they are the children and grandchildren of Evangelicals. Why can Evangelicals put statues of God in their state capitols, but other religions cannot? Why can Christians use the language and rituals of “blood” and “flesh,” but others cannot? Why can they claim authority over the bodies and decisions of non-Christians but won’t tolerate wearing masks or Covid regulations closing their churches? And that is at the root of the involvement of so many former Evangelicals in Satanism, the occult, and atheism. One Satanist suggested he felt bad about the failure of their march in Boston demanding equal rights and it made him want to quit. But then he thought about how the Archdiocese of Boston enabled the evil abuse and molestation of Bostonians for decades and realized that his Satanic temple was a way to fight the evil. Ironic, isn’t it? It’s certainly tragic on multiple levels.

Many of these former Evangelicals were told by their churches to not ask questions about the Bible. They saw Christians preach love and yet embrace racism, sexism, and seek privilege and political power. They saw manufactured emotional events and sometimes felt forced to participate and shamed if they did not experience some “spiritual” moment. They may have been told to get rid of their intellectual tendencies, or sexual tendencies, or non-Christian influences. While some were exposed to physical, emotional, or sexual abuse in the church, others just grew tired of sermons of damnation and being a part of a group that is constantly identifying itself against “the other.” Sadly, they have found a more accepting community in Satanism, the occult, or in atheistic groups than they have in the church.

My own feeling is that Evangelical Christianity’s blatant pursuit of a position of privilege (a classic case of overreach) is the leading reason (but not the only reason) for the backlash from formerly-Christian people. The United States was intentionally founded to break the connection between religion and government which had been such a catastrophic failure in Europe. That move by the Founding Fathers actually created a more vibrant, entrepreneurial religion that ended up culturally dominating the United States. Approximately 93% of Congress identifies as Christian, yet Evangelicals have portrayed themselves as a hated, oppressed minority that needs more power and representation in order to practice their Christian faith (ever heard of the Apostles, you guys?). That is absurd, of course. Anyone who has actually spent time working with persecuted Christians around the world, as I have, finds this laughable and embarrassing. In comparison to any other Christian society on Earth, American Christians have the most freedoms, resources, and acceptance of anyone. Consequently, Evangelical Christianity’s pursuit of a Christian theocracy (an officially Christian government) has created an enormous backlash from people who clearly see this for what it is: a desire for an even more privileged position in society; something Jesus did NOT preach about.

A second key reason why many Evangelicals are leaving the church and choosing extreme options is, ironically, because “Bible-believing Christians” know very little about Scripture. While the church has done a somewhat decent job of memorizing out-of-context Bible passages and using the Bible as a weapon in arguments, it has done a terrible job of teaching its people the nuances, complexities, artistry, and sophistication of these ancient Near Eastern texts. Consequently, it doesn’t take too much study for any lapsed Christian or atheist to surpass the average “Bible-believing Christian” in understanding the complexities of the text as Scripture. Many of these hostile anti-Bible ex-Christians are actually more fascinated by the Scriptures than ever before because they see that the church never bothered to teach them how to read the Scriptures in the way that Jesus and the people in Jesus’ time would have read the Scriptures. It’s an ironic shame. The poor behavior and anti-intellectualism of the church actually drives searching people out and into Scripture (minus the faith community). Bible-believing pride combined with Biblical illiteracy by those very same people is leading the children and grandchildren of Evangelicals to head for the door at record speed. And the fact that so many churches have become places of toxicity, intolerance, and hostility to any kind of dialogue is exhausting pastors, many of whom are rapidly heading for the door (or counting the days to retirement). The church is no longer safe for many pastors, let alone parishioners. Seminaries will continue to see attendance drop.

In my 2010 book Mosaic: A Journey Across the Church of God, I traveled the world and chronicled the numerous pressures quickly weakening Christian denominations and organized religion in general. Thirteen years later, this demise is more accelerated and obvious than ever. In my 2014 book, In God We Trust: A Challenge to American Evangelicals, I warned that if American Christians used the church to pursue political power, they would see a massive decline in Christian belief in the country. That is what is happening. Churches that “succeed” will increasingly be preaching to the choir. They will continue to grow because already committed Christians are just switching churches–probably to the one with the best childcare and family programs. Retaining youth and twenty- to thirty-somethings will be increasingly difficult. Churches that actually grow with people discovering or re-discovering the beautiful tenets of Christianity, will have to be wildly out-of-the-box and practicing a radical reformation (the kind that occurs in Christianity every 500 years). I certainly don’t expect this process to go smoothly, and I fully expect a rapidly expanding civil war within the Evangelical church in particular, and an overall weakening. Much can be done to begin to rectify the situation. But we are in this situation because the church is very slow to admit mistakes, acknowledge when things are not working, and take responsibility for many of the losses of people it has incurred. While the Christian church was designed for flexibility, many Christians are inflexible. The disillusioned masses leaving the church are right about one thing: So long as the church is not a safe space, there’s not much room to find a way forward. The American Evangelical church must stop thinking it is “standing up for truth,” when in reality it is on a quest to position itself and its people as the most privileged, protected, and unquestioned power in the United States.



Patrick Nachtigall received his Master’s Degree in Religion from Yale University and is the author of six books dealing with religion and globalization including, “In God We Trust: A Challenge to Evangelicals” and “No Religion Required, a Memoir of Faith, Doubt, Chocolate Milk, and Untimely Death.”  He lives in Italy.



America doesn’t just love socialism for corporations…Heck, for most of my lifetime, America has been having a mad, dirty, XXX-rated, porn-hub posting love affair with Socialism…FOR CORPORATIONS.

Corporations and banks can behave recklessly (overspend, underperform, gamble) and go into massive bankruptcy. They become “too big to fail” if they screw up and then they get a “government bailout” with YOUR taxpayer money. That’s socialism. The Corporation can sleep easy, because they will not end up on the street homeless or living in a car.

If an AMERICAN INDIVIDUAL gets into debt, they get forwarded to a collection agency, have their credit score ruined, get turned down by banks for loans, and maybe get their car impounded. No more Karate classes for the kids, your teenager can’t go to his dream college, cancel the vacation to Mazatlan, downsize,, commute to work, move from the 5 bedroom house to the 3 room apartment.

If a CORPORATION gets into debt, its CEO will still get a bonus and make 100 times more than the wage of the average employee at that corporation. The CEO gets big money whether they suck at their job or not. In fact, if they run the company into the ground, the worst that can happen is they get fired (with $10 million in severance pay). Either that, or they stay on and get a bonus when your tax-payer money comes from the government to bail them out. It’s a win-win!

If an AMERICAN PERSON working at that same corporation demands higher wages because the corporation is “in trouble” and got that Socialist bail-out, then the worker is accused of raising wages, which means the worker is “causing inflation.” They don’t blame the CEO who gets the $100 milliion dollar bonus, but the guy making $12.50 an hour. By demanding a full $12 per hour, he is “making it cost more to make our product which is making us raise prices.” So the worker is let go, or the worker’s salary stays the same, or they get $12 and get blamed for the grocery prices going up.

The AMERICAN PERSON goes to their CORPORATION (Bank) and says:

“I need a loan because I can’t pay my bills. My wages aren’t going up, but the prices are. My child has a learning disability and now I can’t pay for the tutor. I have an elderly disabled parent I live with and I have to take care of their needs also. Please help!”

The bank says:

“oh..actually, we are not giving out loans because we don’t trust people like you to pay us back. In fact, we were irresponsible (we invested in a crypto firm that went under) and gambled away the money of yours that we did have at our bank. Whoopsy! So not only can we not give you a loan, but I don’t think we have your savings account anymore.”

The AMERICAN PERSON says: “What am I going to do? Is there government assistance (“socialism” for the average worker/citizen/taxpayer) to help me pay for childcare, healthcare, and enough unemployment to pay my bills and give food to my children and elderly parent?”

The bank responds:

No. We have no money to give you. It turns out we are also broke and can’t pay our bills. But luckily, the SOCIALIST GOVERNMENT FOR CORPORATIONS is either going to give us all the money we irresponsibly lost, or they will help us to get bought out by a larger, wealthier corporation that they promise to pay the bills for. Some of our workers may be laid-off, but our top level executives and our corporation will continue to exist. Whew!! So we will use your taxes, to restructure our bank (but we corporations won’t pay any tax), and we won’t be giving people like you loans, but our CEO is happy because he will be getting a $5 million dollar bonus for overseeing this deal with the Socialist government for corporations. Capitalism is awesome!! And luckily we don’t have to pay taxes on the billions that we are getting because that goes against capitalism. My recommendation to. you is to vote against those “socialist programs like school lunches, childcare and healthcare or else we will end up like the Soviet Union with a small elite class of privileged few and a bunch of slaves and serfs with no upward mobility.” (the bank responds with no hint of irony).

AMERICAN PERSON: “So why do we have inflation right now?”

CORPORATION: Because naughty, lazy ordinary people need food, child-care, healthcare, school lunches, higher salaries and education too much. They want us corporation and privileged to pay for it!! Socialism!!! Those commie pigs! If we gave them that money it would be wasted on drugs, alcohol, gambling and welfare queens. It would not go to letting their child join that soccer club, paying for grandma’s physical therapy, paying off that mortgage, or getting that degree in physics. All that money that goes to our CEO’s Bonus would just be wasted on the AMERICAN PERSON doing meth and crack. Because normal Americans aren’t trustworthy with money—like us corporations and wealthy are.

Instead, to be safe and to be true capitalists, we should give any extra money that we have in a time of high inflation and increased bankruptcies to Exxon, Apple, and Bank of America. And remember, when we raise your wages as a worker, we will have to charge more for products and intentionally create inflation which then makes your raise meaningless. You’re welcome.

There have been a number of high-profile teen suicides in the U.S. news lately as well as a couple of different surveys showing that kids are more depressed and suicidal than in previous generations.  But this is not just an American phenomenon.  Teenagers around the world are facing uniquely stressful situations that other generations have not had to face.  Older generations may protest that today’s kids are “soft”  and how materially-blessed they are now–even in many underdeveloped countries.  Do kids have a case that their lives are unusually stressful, depressing, and meaningless?  I believe they do, and here are a few reasons why.

It’s true that life for most people throughout history has been “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short,” to quote the old, English philosopher Thomas Hobbes.  For many generations, even making it into your teen years without dying was a significant accomplishment.  Even in poorer nations, today’s teenagers have more access to material goods and comfort than they ever have.  What about the generations that had to go off and fight World War I and II?  “You didn’t see them complaining all the time,” one might argue.  But I think that’s a simplistic response.  In fact, this is such a different age that we live in, I have to write as briefly as possible on this crucially important subject because most people don’t have the attention span to read through more than 3 paragraphs.  I’ll probably lose half the readers in the next paragraph just because of the length.  Neither can I just post a link to my blog because that is one-click too many for most people.  This is not normal.

For starters, one things human beings have always been good at is establishing communities; a network of family, friends, and tribe that look out for each other and provide some sort of identity and moral compass.  The modern world (especially post-internet) has become extremely atomized.  The rise of sprawling cities and suburbs were an example of how isolation started to become “how we live.”  Not knowing the neighbors–so to speak.  Massive urbanization (a very new phenomenon) relocates people away from their tight-nit communities to one where ties have to be more artificially created or are never replaced.  What the internet has done has fragmented and “suburbanized” our mental and emotional life.  Teenagers will literally text each other instead of talk to each other when they are in the same room (that is if texting is still a thing).  The I-phone has centralized a lot of our work and socialization toward a machine.  That’s an odd thing when you really think about it.  One object (the phone) that we carry around all the time connects us to every facet of our life.  If we could hug each other through the phone we probably would.

Social media encourages things that are deadly to the spirit, to mental health, and to happiness:  thinking about yourself all the time and comparing your life to others.  It also allows (through comments and likes) another soul killer:  non-constructive criticism without love.  And when in our lives are we most likely to be focused on our identity, compare ourselves to others, and to bully others?  As teenagers.  These social media products are algorithmically-designed to keep us addicted to our most soul-killing behaviors.  You may say, ‘well, isn’t it ironic that you are using social media now to write this essay?”  Actually, that proves my point:  it’s become exceedingly difficult to do anything in the modern-world without a mobile phone, the internet, and a social media account. The transition to the cyber world is the exact opposite of what humans have done for millions of years–moving us away from interacting with nature and communicating with humans face to face.  Our brains and nerves are not wired for this and we are stressed by the over-stimulation in areas designed for a slower, more reflective life.  It’s no coincidence that severe anxiety and depression is a global issue and that yoga and meditation are on the rise.  Our bodies want relief.

Our body, mind, and spirit also long for meaning.  Today, many religious communities which once provided that kind of meaning are not much different than the world of social media.  They are filled with toxic people, constant debating about who and what is right and wrong, criticism, and abusive behavior.  They are not safe places and they are not places for searching and finding who you are.  They are a place to learn dogma and rail against those that don’t think like you.  Well, we have Facebook and Twitter for that, thank. you very much.

Today’s teenagers have also been over-protected by parents.  Although well-intentioned, over-protecting children produces anxiety because kids don’t develop confidence in their abilities and resiliency.  I remember growing up in Costa Rica and being a 6 year old that would walk out of the house on my own and go to the Central Park a few blocks away.  Playing “army” outside and staying out until 10PM with other kids during the summer.  Most of us were far more independent than today’s teenagers, and that’s mostly the result of parenting, but also a cyber-world which encourages people to not conquer nature or the outside but to stay indoors (I’m a very indoor creature myself now and trying to change that because I know it’s not healthy).

Yes, it’s true that today’s youth are more aware of their feelings and speak a lot more openly about their emotional wounds.  They are a generation of Sigmund Freuds constantly analyzing how they feel and reporting on it.  Is that why the surveys show that so many kids contemplate suicide?  I don’t think so.  These kids live in an unusually polarized time with instruments that allow more polarization on a massive scale.  Education costs and entry requirements have become much higher in most countries.  The pressure to get into Ivy-league schools (and now prestigious pre-schools!) is insane.  In the U.S. school shootings have become so common, tiny 1st graders have to practice shooter drills.  It has to be demoralizing for American teenagers to see that no amount of school tragedies changes the culture.  Instead, the architecture and security plans of the school have to change because the kids’ life are not worth much.  How a society treats its kids says a lot about a society’s soul and priorities.

Then there’s the fact that most kids are growing up in an economy that has peaked and is in a downward trajectory with no end in sight (India is one of the few countries where that’s not the case.  Although social media has created a lot of problems for Indian teens and the country as a whole).   I’ve written previously about the global debt program, but even in countries like China, teenagers are depressed because economic opportunities are not what they once were.  Our kids been taught that socialism was a failure before they were born, about they know they are living in an unfair society and witnessing late-stage Capitalism (or crony Capitalism).

A couple of final issues: whether you believe in climate change or not, today’s kids are worried about the environment.  And they don’t see anything that mobilizes or brings people together.  Not storms wiping out people and crops, not religion, not politics, not even a possible war between 3 “superpowers.”  World War II brought the U.S. together.  It’s hard to imagine anything moving our modern societies toward togetherness.  Our most consistent friend and partner is our phone.  The search for meaning and transcendence is routed through microchips, screens, wifi, and websites.  “We are all cyborgs now,” said Elon Musk (the famous entrepreneur and nutty social media character) referring to our dependence on our phones.  That de-humanization is what today’s youth feel.  Unfortunately for them, it’s not about big ideas, community, spirit, protecting the next generation, the environment, citizenship or any other higher good.  We process reality and interact with nature through the machine.  People falling off cliffs on nature walks because they took a selfie is a powerful metaphor.

What can be done?  That’s a subject for another time, but the gist of it is that we need to de-construct this artificial world in childhood.  In Finland, they start to teach kids to identify poorly-sourced online information in 1st grade.  Brilliant. Kids should be taught before they are teenagers about algorithms, marketing tactics, and the artificiality of the world of Tik Tok and Instagram. “You are not your profile.” Schools need to up their game in critical-thinking skills and probably take place more outside in nature and with group-learning.  Governments have to produce policies that clearly show that kids are the top priority (not business and profits).  Churches, mosques, and temples have to be places of refuge and silence from the hostile world–not extensions of its worst characteristics.  Everyone probably needs to learn meditation skills before puberty.  All of these things are attempts to reverse the artificiality of this technically-saturated world.  Obviously technology has lots of benefits.  But we fail to talk in depth about the existentially-powerful dark side of a tech world driven by profit-motives.

Our teenagers sense this, but cannot articulate it.  There is an overall atomization of society and a dehumanization of every individual.  You are now the sum-total of your online self, a product, and an unimportant entity disconnected from the natural world.  Maybe instead, we make kids our top priority.  Maybe we give teenagers a break when they are struggling or acting out.  Maybe we begin to have compassion and understand they are facing unique anxieties that no generation has ever faced.  I hurt for today’s kids.  They literally are the future of our world.

Patrick Nachtigall is the author of 6 books including his latest “No Religion Required: A Memoir of Love, Faith, Doubt, and Chocolate Milk.”  He has lived and/or worked on 6 continents and currently resides in Italy.

Recently, at our 3WLN event in Switzerland, my wife Jamie and I had the opportunity to interview millennial and Gen Z young people from the Middle Eastern countries of Egypt, Morocco, and Lebanon.  This was particularly interesting because all three Islam-dominated countries have large populations of youth (as does the entire Middle East), and one country is quite conservative (Morocco), one is typically moderate (Egypt), and the other is very liberal (Lebanon) by the standards of this conservative region.  We wanted to know how the youth of today is perceiving the world and particulary religion.

Despite being very different nations, with different cultures, backgrounds, forms of Islam and other religions, the young people of the Middle East are facing many of the same challenges and concerns.  To begin with, none of their countries currently have a strong economy.  Unemployment is quite high by global standards and there is a lack of opportunity.  Poverty is a wide-spread problem as is making enough money to get married or start a family.  Those countries or sub-cultures where arranged marriages are common, are seeing less children willing to marry the person their parents picked out for them.  When societies lose the ability to create new families because of living costs (as is also happening in the United States and East Asia), it usually leads to a period of upheaval–as does high youth unemployment.

The result is that many Middle Eastern youth want to immigrate to wealthier Western nations.  They are not very interested in Al-Qaeda or ISIS, but are very interested in atheism.  Islam is losing many of its youth to atheism (as is Christianity).  The exposure to a more pluralistic world has young people questioning the religious ideas and values they have been taught.  They are not interested in being terrorists like Osama Bin Laden.  They are interested in being influencers like Kim Kardashian.  Tik Tok and Instagram celebrities are followed closely–including those that cater specifically to their nation or nationality.  Social media is huge and all reported something quite interesting:  “Today’s youth don’t know who they are.”  In other words, they don’t have much of a sense of their personal identity.  They don’t have a routine, values, plans or goals. The buy into the carefully crafted (and manufactured) images of social media celebrities.  They want that (impossible to attain and disconnected from reality) life.

Perhaps most surprising is how easily accessible, popular and accepted pornography has become.  Even in elementary school, it is not uncommon for children to already be navigating the world of hardcore porn.  The result is that this is also changing how young people view sexuality.  In Lebanon, homosexuality is clearly visible and a non-issue.  That is not terribly surprising.  It is surprising, however, that it is becoming something far more out in the open in Egypt.  For young people, Islam’s view on homosexuality is outdated.  Morocco is still the country where liberal mores must be well-hidden; but even there, the young people’s personal beliefs align far more with what is happening in the Western world than in their traditional societies.

It has long been predicted that the Middle East and North Africa’s high rate of unemployed young people would one day become a very distabilizing issue.  For now, what is being destablized more and more is the relationship between parent and child, youth and mosque.  Today’s youth are tech savy, global, and more individulistically-minded.  It will be interesting to see what the next 10 years bring for these two generations.

And their suggestions for the Christian Church which is increasingly out of touch with today’s Middle Eastern youth and unable to communicate with them?

  1. Speak their language
  2. Use social media
  3. Don’t hold long meetings
  4. You need preachers who can speak to youth
  5. Youth should serve youth
  6. Work on your apologetic (Biblical/theological) skills

Great advice!  They also mentioned that we should be outsourcing them for all things tech-related.

It was a pleasure to meet with them and gave us a great insight into the changing face of Middle Eastern youth.